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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Being Cremated - The Inside Story on Being a Cremator Technician at a Crematorium

Being Cremated - The Inside Story on Being a Cremator Technician at a Crematorium

There is only one inevitable thing in life and that is when you are born you will at last die, hopefully after a long life, but anyone the circumstances surrounding our passing once we are gone what happens next to our corporeal body is something that not everyone wants to think about. The fact is that the two main choices are to be cremated or buried depending on preference.

Perhaps you have given it some thought but feel a little awkward and are not sure where to go to find out the facts that you want to know without feeling that population will judge you and think that you have a misplaced morbid curiosity.

Well, I can assure you that, that is not the case and whilst most folk are article to be happily ignorant and prefer not to know, for others the more facts you have the good and can help you cope with what is to come. Because, whichever way you dress it up to think about death can be a sobering and frightening thought.

How Can I be So Sure?

As a cremator technician (I cremate people, not deal with the machinery when it needs attention) I can give you an comprehension into the cremation process which will hopefully ease any worries or concerns you may have (or give you the answers that you have been looking for) and give some comfort knowing that you will be well looked taken care of after you pass away.

I have been doing my job for any years and think what I do a small (but just as important) part of the larger funeral process that starts when somebody dies. An awful lot happens before I get to play my role within this process and as a cremator technician what I do is very much out of the limelight and ceremony that a funeral aid will regularly include.

But (and I feel that this is a very leading point) I cannot stress enough that you can be sure that you or your loved ones are treated with the utmost dignity and respect at all times and I think it a privilege to do what my work entails.

After all, I am the last man to deal with anybody in their corporeal form and as such I like to think that anybody who passes straight through my hands has been cared for in the best way that I can. So, with this in mind what happens to you when you are cremated?

Dispelling Urban Myths About Cremation

Firstly, I think it is leading to dispel a concentrate of generally thought urban myths and although I am not sure of their origins or how they started it is surprising at just how many population believe them to be the case.

Urban myth 1 is that more than one coffin is cremated at a time. The cremators themselves are of a dimension that only allows for one coffin to be settled inside at a time and it so it is physically impossible to do more than that.

Urban myth amount 2, bodies are taken out of the coffin to cremate them. By law I have to cremate the coffin and its contents as I receive it at the crematorium and as such I deal with a sealed unit that I have no need, wish or well right to tamper with.

Also, cremation itself involves the combustion process and although the subject of the fuel is an emotive one, the coffin itself is significant to help start the process in order to cremate ethically and correctly.

The Cremation Process itself

(Some population May Find This Slightly Distressing, so Please Continue Reading with Caution)

Once the funeral aid has taken place my role then starts and does not finish from the occasion I receive the coffin straight through to the point that I place the cremated remains safely into a favorable holder (be it an urn, casket or a keepsake of some sort) at the end of the cremation process.

Each crematorium will be slightly different in as much as the mechanisms and cremators may not work in the same way but essentially what goes on inside the cremator is.

So, once the coffin is inside the main accommodation it is subjected to temperatures of up to 1200 degrees Celsius and the actual process from start to finish takes almost 1 hours as an average. Body weight, embalming and inevitable illnesses do play a part in longer or shorter cremation times.

During this cremation time all things is closely monitored and although a computer schedule runs things smoothly and efficiently, manual intervention is possible if needed.

What Happens After the Cremation Has Taken Place

Once the cremation has finished, you are left with the cremated remains that need to be cooled and processed into a more manageable size. You will find that most population generally refer to this as ash although what you are in fact looking at is ground bone (more of which in a moment).

The cremated remains are raked down from the cremator into a hopper and air is passed over them until they have reached a temperature favorable for the next process to take place which involves the large piece of bone to be crushed by a motor into smaller pieces.

The process of crushing the bone is called cremulation and basically involves a motor with a rotating drum containing steel balls to facilitate this. Once ground, the remains are settled into your chosen holder (as previously mentioned) when my job as a cremator technician is done.

Another very leading point that I must stress is that of identification. At each stage throughout the cremation process each private is accompanied by an identification card that stays with them at all times until it is ultimately settled with them inside their container.

A duplicate is settled on the surface of the holder to ensure the continuity and inevitable identification at all times so there is no room for error or mistakes to mix population up, it is very easy and a very efficient way of doing this.

Can anyone come to be a Cremator Technician?

My job itself is governed by a very precise code of ethics to ensure that dignity and respect is maintained at all times but, that aside I thinks that it takes a extra kind of man to do what I do and I see myself in a caring role and treat everyone who I meet with the care and compassion that I think is rightly deserved.

Nobody well likes to think of their own mortality, much less about burial or cremation but to know that you are still looked after in death is a comfort I like to think.

Everyone that I deal with is especially leading because they are somebody's Mom, Dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle etc. And I for one never forget that.

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